Union Links
- IUPAT International
- IUPAT Union Warehouse
- IUPAT Helping Hand
- Painters & Allied Trades Labor Management Cooperative Initiatve (LMCI)
- Finishing Trades Institute
- Building Advantage - Wisconsin
- Unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO
- Wisconsin State AFL-CIO
- Milwaukee Building & Construction Trades Council
- Building & Construction Trades Council of South Central Wisconsin (Madison)
- Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
- Wisconsin Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards
- National Labor Relations Board
- Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
- DC7's Law Firm - Previant, Goldberg, Uelmen, SC
- 2020 13th Annual IUPAT DC7 Scholarship Essay Contest
- IUPAT Helping Hand Substance Abuse/Suicide Prevention
- IUPAT Activist Pledge
- Buy WI - Wisconsin-Made Products
Government Links
In The News
Know Your Rights
Whether you are at work, home or in your community, the labor movement wants you to know your rights and be prepared when interacting with law enforcement, including immigration agents.
Independientemente de donde se encuentre, ya sea en el trabajo, en el hogar o en su comunidad, el movimiento laboral quiere que conozca sus derechos y esté preparado para cualquier encuentro con las autoridades, incluyendo la policía y los agentes de inmigracion.