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IUPAT Helping Hand

Working in the building and construction trades is a challenging career. There are high productivity demands on the workforce to meet deadlines, as well as working conditions that can often be an extreme danger if strict safety guidelines aren't followed.

Yet, there are other risks construction workers face in the industry – suicide and substance use disorder.

The IUPAT Helping Hand initiative is moving forward every day to bring assistance to members of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades.

Suicide is Taking its Toll

A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Britain's Office of National Statistics (ONS) reported that the suicide rate for construction workers is the second highest of all industries in the United States (farming, fishing and forestry was first), and first in Canada.

In fact, data shows that construction workers are three times more likely to take their own life than the rest of the population.

Help is Available

On the back side of your insurance card, you will find a phone number for the Aurora Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The number for help is 1-800-236-3231.

For those in Local 1011 (Upper Michigan), the phone number for the Ulliance Life Advisor Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is 1-800-448-8326.

Local Wisconsin resources

Local Michigan Resources

Toolbox Talk

10 Reasons to Use Your EAP

The Advocate Aurora EAP is a free benefit for all employees and their immediate household members. These services focus on your wellbeing and are intended to improve your work-life balance before a concern needs further intervention. We can assist with the following...and more!

  1. Creating a monthly budget
  2. Struggling with a challenging relationship
  3. Excessive worry causing sleepless nights
  4. Improving communication with those around you
  5. Identifying resources for aging parents
  6. Looking for information on schools
  7. Having a sounding board to talk through a new stage of life
  8. Consulting with a lawyer on landlord-tenant issues
  9. Improving your work-life balance
  10. Finding local childcare options

Self-Care & Healthy Habits

It is not selfish to practice self-care! In fact, these activities are vital to your mental well-being. Research suggests that the more we practice self-care activities, the more confident, creative, and productive we are. Not to mention we also experience more joy, make better decisions, build stronger relationships and communicate more effectively. Your self-care options will depend on what works best for you, what you enjoy, and your energy levels, personality, and other factors. Never feel guilty for taking care of yourself. You deserve it!

How to Create a Healthy Habit

Self-Care BINGO sheet