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Wanted: Part-Time Instructor

21 Dec 2020

IUPAT DC 7 is looking for a new Painting Apprenticeship Instructor in the Milwaukee Area and more potential safety instructors across the state. If you or someone you are working with are interested, see the info below and apply.

Painter Instructor Qualifications

  • Must be a member in Good Standing. An instructor who drops his membership for any reason will not be allowed to instruct any classes until the situation is resolved.
  • Must have completed a State Sponsored Apprenticeship and be recognized as having reached journey level status with the State of Wisconsin. Must be able to provide a copy of Apprentice Completion Certificate.
  • Must have 7 years or 14,000 hours of work in the painting industry as either an apprentice or journey worker and must be able to verify those hours.
  • Must not have had any Felony Convictions in the last 10 years. Misdemeanors will be looked at on a case-by-case basis to determine if the member will be allowed to instruct.

Job Description

This Apprenticeship Painting Instructor position is technically a Part-Time position as the instructor will be expected to teach anywhere from 10 – 14 hours a week. During the Fall semester the instructor would teach night school 1 night a week and day school 1 day a week. During the Spring semester there is no night school so they would only teach 1 day school day. The instructor would then work for their contractor for the rest of week so whoever the contractor is, must be willing to let the instructor teach when needed. This part is crucial to the success of the instructor.

If chosen, the new instructor would be sent out to the Finishing Trades Institute (FTI) in Maryland to take Teaching Techniques and OSHA Courses, probably before teaching any classes. These are instrumental in getting the instructor the skills that they will need to get in front of a class and instruct both Apprenticeship and Safety classes.


While teaching the apprentices, the instructor is paid by MATC at a rate that is controlled MATC. IUPAT DC 7 has no control over that pay structure. When teaching Safety or Upgrade classes to our members directly for the council, instructors are paid their normal wages and benefits for the hours of the class, plus 1 hour for prep/cleanup. Example: an instructor teaches a 4-hour Fall Protection course. They are paid 5 hours of wages and benefits.

Application Process

If interested, fill out an initial application and get it to Director of Training Adam Holmes. It can be emailed to adam@iupatdc7.com, faxed to 262-662-2397, or dropped off at any of our union halls. Once all of the applications are in the office, the DOT and Business Manager will interview the candidates to determine which are most suited to become an instructor. Those candidates will then have to meet with the Apprenticeship Committee for Approval.

Please let DOT Holmes know if you have any questions at either the email listed above or his direct number at 262-910-9063.

Download Application